This was one of the more conventional, proto-Syselian linguistic experiments, using one of Quag’s more primitive decipherment processes- the
‘Contra-Directionality Convergence’.
Henry Quag utilised material structures to replicate the topography of the universe. For Mayans, the pyramid was recognised as a sacred mountain (witz) and the flanking plazas were perceived as symbolic bodies of water. The Syselia work on a similar principle, however, where the Maya used architecture, the Syselia use a pyramid structure for linguistic decipherment. The earthly words (transported by the names given to the vessels which pass up Syselus’ fallopian canal) are, too, symbols of the communication between the physical world and the divine universe. The words offered to the Syselia by Syselus contain, within their rich and multi-encrypted meanings, infinite insight into cosmic principles. As well as this marriage between the physical and divine worlds, the words the Syselus supplies are encrypted in such a way so as to take the guise of complicity – appearing to represent only earthly iconography such as ‘Ulysses’, ‘Winston Churchill’, ‘Tempest’ etc.- allowing Syselus to enter the material realm of language, and thus the fabric of human thought. Similarly to the Maya conjuring of divine forces using mirrors as divining tools, the Syselia grapple with the illusory and sheathed linguistics, conjuring a material reflection of the cosmos. The Syselia take the principle of the illusory reflection of the mirror as well as the pyramid for their decipherment by; documenting the names of every vessel which passes through the canal, merging them into one long seemingly unintelligible word, reading aloud this word whilst recording it, slowing it down, reversing it, and playing the reverse sound (right to left) in sync with its correct left to right directionality. As a result of the two directionalities being played simultaneously, the two converge momentarily at an exact middle point, where the pitches of both readings of the word are- if only for micro-seconds- identical. This fleeting convergence of the earthly directionality (left to right) with its opposing cosmic mirrored image is reflected in the E of SYSELUS;
Navy Ships- 11th
[------------------K R E T C H M
--A---N----0------------------- K--------R-------E-------T---------------C----H-----------M--------E--------R-------------I---M-----P-----E--------R------V---------I---------O--U----S--
[------------------R E M H C T E R K-------------------]
With close examination, one can see that the reverse and its original sound recording converge on the word ‘Kretchmer’ , or more precisely, in between the M and E of that word. The exact convergence tone between this M and E is then magnified by the Syselia, who attempt to capture the exact point of tonal convergence. Within this tone lies the overall mood of Syselus’ communication. Depending on the qualities of this tone, the Syselia gauge Syselus’ premonitions of equilibrium or unrest etc.
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